God is the Master Expert

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God wants to do more than just read your Bible with you...

Did you ever stop to think that maybe He wants to write & develop content with you? Strategize with you? Go to that zoom meeting with you? Create with you?

Why would a great big God who created all the unique plants, bugs, animals and YOUR beautiful self want to ONLY read your Bible with you? Or ONLY spend time with you when you’re worshiping Him or going to Church?

God created some of the most random looking creatures just for the fun of it; don't you think He might enjoy helping you with whatever you're creating too?

Think about how fun it is for you to create with friends. Where do you think that joy originated? God wants to get in on the fun too! But He can't if you limit Him to just the "spiritual" parts of your life.

Imma leave you with this thought…

"Did you ever think that maybe I’m just as excited to work on your business as you are? That maybe I’m just as excited to see you get to the next level as you are? To see you hit that sales goal or land that next client? That maybe I’m just as excited to give you that blessing and see your joy as you are to receive it? Never forget that I’m your God but I’m also your Father too. And it brings me joy to spend time with you & see you happy, prospering and excited." - God