[Week 1]

Behold my gangsta.

“Come, my shy and modest dove—leave your seclusion, come out in the open. Let me see your face, let me hear your voice. For your voice is soothing and your face is ravishing.” —Song of Solomon 2:14 (The Message) 

I graduated college in 2009 when the bottom fell out of the economy. I had a degree in Interior Design, but no job and I was sleeping on an air mattress at my mom’s house. On top of that, I had gotten a “C” on my senior project and just felt like I sucked at life in general because of it. My confidence was LOW. In that same season however, I still knew I had something great to do with my life. 

During my last internship in Chicago before graduating, I had the pleasure of attending Living Word Christian Center (Pastor Bill Winston is bomb. Look him up!) and I truly believe that’s where the seed of entrepreneurship was first planted within me. Ever since going to that church, I have been jotting down business ideas in my journal like a mad woman.

My journaling got even more intense after graduation, especially given all the free time I had while trying to find a job. During that time, God gave me this scripture and to me, it was Him affirming that my ideas were worth sharing and that my unique voice was meant to be heard. It felt like a push even, like He was waiting on me to do it. 

This scripture was a true catalyst for me because it gave me the confidence I needed to venture out into the world of entrepreneurship. Through reading this week’s message, I hope you receive the same push I did, and that while reading this book, you grow in assurance that God supports your dreams and your business ventures.